T E M P L E R       F A M I L Y
(As we know it on 1-10-2025)

Touched by the past...searching for the future

By Pearl Buck

(est. June, 1998)

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This site is dedicated to the TEMPLER family for their use. It was created, and is being maintained, by the family genealogist/researcher Charles E. Templer, the webmaster Joe L. Templer, Jr and the editor of our family newsletter, Becky Templer Breazeale. Click here to see these three amigos.

                    Family History

We have records of up to 12 generations for some lines of descendants (over 14,000 family members) from our progenitors (James and Martha Huff Templer) during the nearly 270 years since their birth; yet, by design the history on these pages reflects details on only the first 6 generations. The seventh generation shows only the names and spouses, if known, and the eighth generation added in descendant names only, and both generations are undated unless deceased. Details on the later generations are recorded in private files off the internet. You are welcome to browse these pages looking for your ancestors. Use one of the search engines provided for you further down this page.

The Templer family of this home page traces their roots to James Templer of early Virginia. Contact with a cousin living in Virginia resulted in finding a family Bible, published in 1803, that appears to have been the Bible of James Templer has allowed us to learn much new information about this family.

(Image has a link)

We now know that James was born 26 July 1751 in Virginia although we still don't know exactly where. Records in the Bible tell us he died on 7 November 1847 and we know from other records that he lived in Loudoun County, Virginia at that time. We have now located a death notice for James that indicated he died of throat cancer, thus in those days, he probably starved to death.

Early family history tells the story that James' ancestors are believed to have arrived from England in the late 1680's, settling in the areas of present day Loudoun and Prince William counties, became planters and raised their families. James first appears in the 1775 and 1787 tithables lists and later in census records of the Loudoun County area. The last record of him is in a deed to Joshua Pusey in June of 1846, just over a year prior to his death.

We are aware that our James Templer served in the Revolutionary War from Loudoun County, VA, enlisting on 7 October 1777 in the Third Virginia Regiment of Col. Thomas Marshall. James is listed on settlement records obtained from the National Archives which indicate he served with that unit while they were at Valley Forge during the long winter with George Washington at that location. James Templer is now recognized in the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR A207737) organization as an accepted Patriot Ancestor.

James Templer married Martha Huff on 31 August 1775 in Loudoun County, Virginia. They had ten children. While the marriage record shows her name as Huff, it is possible that she belongs to the Hough family of the area. We continue to research that possibility as we attempt to determine who her parents were. The Templer family Bible mentioned above shows that Martha Huff was born on 10 October 1755 and died on 6 July 1837; however, we have yet to discover where either James or Martha are buried.

Nothing is known at this time about the parents of these two people who are the progenitors of our family. An old family history, published in 1894, includes the story that the family name was Temple and that the 'r' was added about 1750. A later writing in 1939 added the story that the 'r' was added because of a dispute in the family.

We have located a Temple family genealogy file that lists a James Temple, born about 1755 in Virginia - approximately the same time frame that we know our James Templer was born. That file shows neither a marriage nor descendants or death for this person. Nonetheless, we would be interested in talking to anyone in a Temple or Templer family who has information that might make a connection to the parents of James Templer. And we would certainly like to talk to any Huff or Hough researchers who might assist us in making connections to Martha's family as well.

We are also involved in a Templer DNA study that seems to confirm the tradition that our family came from England. It is our hope that this DNA study will help us learn more about our ancestors.

Note: Click on the children's name for their genealogy and on the photo icons to see pictures of their descendants.

Format of the Genealogy sections of each of the children:

        James and Martha--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1st Generation
          The ten Children---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2nd Generation
              I.,II.,III.,...Grandchildren of James and Martha including spouses, dates and locations------3rd Generation
               A.,B.,C.,...Great grandchildren including spouses, dates and locations---------------------------4th Generation
                1.,2.,3.,...GG grandchildren with dates and spouses----------------------------------------------5th Generation
                 a.,b.,c.,...GGG grandchildren with dates and spouses--------------------------------------------6th Generation
                  i.,ii.,iii.,...GGGG grandchildren and spouses, includes dates only if deceased------------------7th Generation
                   aa.,bb.,cc.,...GGGGG grandchildren, includes dates only if deceased--------------------------8th Generation


William Martha Sarah Stacy John J. Thomas Esther Elizabeth James Ann
1775-1845 1776-1850 1780-1813 1782-1864 1784-1830 1787-1850 1790-1856 1792-1873 1795-1859 1800-1852
808* 2451* 1252* 701* 2430* 2443* 182* 886* 532* 1910*
photos photos photos photos photos photos None None photos photos

* = The number of known and verifiable descendants (and spouses) of James and Martha.



In 2006 Charles E. Templer, the great-g-g-g-grandson of James and Martha Templer, published the most comprehesive, known history of the descendants of James and Martha. It contains information on over 5,000 family members and is the result of exhaustive research of data contributed by the many Templer cousins. It contains data, material, photographs and documents.

In 2011 Charles prepared an Addendum to the 2006 book that includes preliminary information on the two youngest daughters, Elizabeth and Ann Templer and their families. That has now been expanded further due to new findings and the new 2020 Addendum is now available which includes these two lines plus that of Sarah Templer, the last of the ten children of James and Martha. This and other research now expands our knowledge of the Templer family to almost 11,000 family members.

In 2013 Charles donated a copy of the 2006 publication and the 2011 addendum to the United States Library of Congress. Both have been given the Library of Congress control number (LCCN) 2012515416.

For more information on this extensive publication contact Charles Templer.

Charles E. Templer continues to be the primary contact on researching the Templer family. We welcome any others who wish to be of assistance in researching our ancestors, James and Martha Huff Templer from 1751 !!!! Please contact him to make inquiries, share information or make contact with another family member.



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If you suspect/know you are a member of this Templer family, but don't know what branch you might be a descendant of, you can search our site by entering the name
of your relative in one the search boxes below or email our family reseacher your name along with that of your parents and grandparents. He will attempt to find your
grandparents, parents or yourself and advise you by return email which branch to explore.

If you want an idea of the various components available on this website simply click on the link entitled "site map".

NOTE: No Identification of children under the age of 18 are kept on these files

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We have formed the Templer Family Association to assist in the various aspects of maintaining family communications, arranging family reunions, and other family related activities. If you would like to learn more about the association, click here.




Family Reunions are special, whether small or large, and for whatever reasons in the eyes of each beholder.

The 2012 family reunion in San Antonio, TX during the Labor Day weekend was a small one with 53 members. There was a lot of getting reacquainting and a lot of meeting new cousins. One of the things that made this reunion special was that there were descendants and family from four branches of the Templer family. These branches go back to four brothers..William (1775), Stacy (1782), Thomas (1787) and James (1795). There were 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th cousins who have to go back to 1775 to find a common set of grandparents!!!

The 2015 Templer Family reunion, held June 12-14, was a fun time with nearly 70 family members in attendance. We had lots of time for converstiaon and games at Westgate Branson Woods Resort in Branson, MO. Over 40 of us attended the show "Jonah" at the Sight and Sound Theater as a group and many other small groups attended various shows and events arround Branson. The final group event of the weekend was a good old fried chicken dinner on Sunday evening, June 14. We had family members from both the Thomas Templer and William Templer line of the family with about 10 members at a reunion for the first time.

Click on Reunion Photos to view photos taken at various reunions.

Take a few minutes and read about our family newsletter
Do you know how to establish kinship?



If you are a member of the Templer family, but can not find a link to your family on this website or it is known that your family has ties to the United Kingdom you are invited to visit the excellent website of the Templer Family from Somerset, Devon & Dorset. We have been unable to find a link between the Templers in that website and our family, but who knows? Perhaps they are our cousins.

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Revised 09-February-2025